Luxury Property
Senior Developer/Team lead (September 2021 — Present)
- Developing the new CRM for the company with speed 10x better then the previous CRM.
- Optimization of queries and making the response fast.
- Upgrading the Website PHP Version
- Creating automation scripts to integrate whatsapp leads into CRM
- Integrated the Whatsapp with the CRM any incoming Whatsapp Message is directly going to the lead.
- Integrated and Synced the CRM with third party followupboss.
- Multi direction data transfer enabling using webhooks and zapier.
- Integrating the Google Calendar and GCP in the Website.
- Managed and Optimized the AWS EC2 instances.
- Optimized the Database for the fast queries in RDS.
- Writing Policies to secure the AWS server.
- Writing policies to secure s3 Bucket.
- Guided group of 10 developers to achieve tasks
See our other portfolio
Other portfolio
Octarine Sec ( now owned by VMWare)
Cyber Security Expert